Alternate parking
Our car park is currently full
Please use the guidance on this page to find alternative parking locations.
If you are queuing in our entrance off Corstorphine Road/A8, please move into the right hand lane, follow the one way system and exit back onto Corstorphine Road/A8 (as shown in the image below). Please do not attempt a U-turn, our entrance is part of a one way system shared with a busy hotel.

Suggested alternative parking locations are shown in the image below. However, before you park, please note the following important points:
- Parking on greenway and bus lanes is restricted at certain times and these times vary on weekdays and weekends
- Do not park in front of entrances, exits and driveways - please respect our neighbours
- Please do not park on private roads
- RZSS and Edinburgh Zoo cannot, and do not, accept liability for any parking fines and/or penalty notices received as a result of your decision to park based on the information given here. We strongly advise you to check all applicable parking signage before making your decision to park
In the image below, roads highlighted in green are greenways/bus lanes and roads highlighted in yellow are residential areas. Always check local signage for any applicable parking restrictions and charges.

Our charity is sorry for any inconvenience caused. As a city zoo we are only able to offer limited carparking spaces.
You can find further parking information on the City of Edinburgh Council website.
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