Greater one-horned rhinoceros
Rhinoceros unicornis

There is one rhino living at Edinburgh Zoo, named Qabid.
Qabid was born in 2015 and moved here in 2018 from Planckendael Zoo in Belgium.

IUCN August 2018


Fact file
They are the second largest of the rhinoceros species, after the white rhinoceros
Horns of the greater one-horned rhinoceros can weigh up to three kg
They can reach speeds of around 17mph
Adults can weigh up to 2,700kg!

How we're helping
Like all the animals in our care, Qabid is an amazing ambassador for their relatives in the wild and helps hundreds of thousands of people connect with nature every year. They encourage visitors to learn about the threats facing wildlife and the action they can take to help create a world where nature is protected, valued and loved.
As a wildlife conservation charity, we care for the animals here at the zoo and work to protect species at risk around the world. From providing expertise in genetics and veterinary health, to protecting wild places with local conservation partners, and even restoring threatened species to the wild, we are active where we are needed most.
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